What is sugar waxing?
Unlike wax that contains resins and preservatives, sugar paste is simply made of sugar, water and lemon juice. It's even edible!
Where wax needs to be heated to high temperature, which can lead to burns, sugar paste is applied to body temperature and does not burn your skin. It is also noted that a higher temperature causes tissue to inflate, making hair removal more difficult or painful.
The sugar used for hair removal cannot adhere to living skin cells. Indeed, they are naturally moist and since the sugar paste is soluble in water, it does not adhere to the living cells of the skin. This means less discomfort for you and less skin trauma.
Sugar removal is also an excellent way to exfoliate your skin because sugar removes dead cells from the skin. In addition, it is soft enough to have passed several times over the same area to extract stubborn hair without causing skin damage or irritation.
This type of natural hair removal is perfectly suited to all skin types because it is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.
And if you are cozy you will be delighted to learn that sugar removal is also less painful. The paste wraps around the hair, making it flexible, while infiltrating into the hair follicle and lubricant to make extraction more complete and softer.